Daiya’s plant-based products are dairy and gluten Free. All Daiya products are tested for dairy and gluten. Daiya products do not contain the following ingredients and are considered allergen friendly products.
- Soy
- Eggs
- Peanuts
- Tree nuts (except coconut)
- Fish/seafood
- Sesame
- Sulphites
- Mustard
- Lupine
- Celery
We do not test our final product for these ingredients, and therefore do not label them as “free-from” unless specifically stated on the product package. Always refer to your Daiya product package for the most up to date ingredient lists and allergen information and contact our customer service team if you require additional information.
Daiya follows a strict sourcing and supplier qualification process that includes supplier controls, ingredient storage and segregation, production scheduling, equipment cleaning, in-house testing program, personnel practices, and allergen awareness culture.
Here is an overview of those steps:
Our suppliers uphold the quality and safety standards Daiya has in place. Each ingredient and ingredient supplier undergoes a rigorous approval process that includes a thorough review of the supplier’s manufacturing process, their internal allergen control program, their supplier qualification program, and their storage and handling practices, with respect to allergen cross contamination prevention and sanitation procedures.
When raw materials are received at our processing facilities, allergen-containing ingredients (e.g. coconut cream) are promptly tagged and moved to a designated allergen storage area. By clearly applying allergen alert labeling and physically segregating these ingredients, we control the potential for allergen cross-contamination when handling our ingredients.
Another way Daiya controls allergen cross contamination risk is sequencing production runs by running our allergen-containing products (coconut cream) after our non-allergenic products, or on a dedicated day. After producing an allergen-containing product, our equipment is carefully cleaned and sanitized. The equipment is then prepared for production and swab tested to ensure that there are no allergen residues remaining. Production cannot resume until the equipment passes these tests.
Daiya is an SQF-certified facility with its own dedicated allergen lab. Our lab follows Health Canada’s Compendium of Allergen Methodologies. Each lot of finished products are tested and are released only if the allergen test results are satisfactory.
Daiya is proud to have a dedicated food safety culture, and everyone including visitors and contractors must adhere to our allergen control program to enter our facility. All new employees complete allergen awareness training, and throughout the year there is an ongoing training with our manufacturing teams. In addition, our Quality Assurance team conducts annual refresher training to review allergen controls and procedures.